What did Ben Swann say to get this report removed?
What did Breitbart know?
Who told Milo "Not Yet"?
What did David Seaman learn from his sources?
In July of 2016, Wikileaks released the DNC Email hacks. Included within the nearly 20,000 emails and about 8,000 attachments are "The Podesta Emails". As citizen journalists started to comb through the emails, they quickly uncovered a vast array of highly disturbing information which allegedly implicates John Podesta in a high level child sex trafficking ring. The main stream media has mostly ignored the real story behind #pizzagate and attempted to silence researchers and in some cases, run cover stories for those involved.
ARRESTPODESTA.COM should serve as a central point to find information gathered by the countless researches all over the web.
We believe there is enough evidence to open an official and publicly transparent investigation into John Podesta and others. Sign the petitions, share the information and lets send a message to the world, that we will not allow these horrible crimes to go unpunished. We will be the voice of the lost, living and damaged victims.
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Email the picture to arrestpodesta@yahoo.com or upload to the FB/ArrestPodesta group page!

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