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Wikileaks: Vault 7 is today.

Wikileaks has been teasing those who have been paying attention for the past few weeks, with the release of information known as Vault 7. On their site, Wikileaks has released a statement concerning Vault 7 and its contents:

"Recently, the CIA lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized "zero day" exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation. This extraordinary collection, which amounts to more than several hundred million lines of code, gives its possessor the entire hacking capacity of the CIA. The archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive. "

Although we have not been able sift through the individual files yet, Wikileaks outlines what this release involves. Some of these detailed outlines includes, the CIA exploiting backdoors and "zero days" (serious vulnerabilities, exploits or bugs) on smartphones and smart tv's; using malware to infect multiple operating systems, CIA hoarding of "zero days"; the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt being used as a covert CIA hacking base to cover Europe, Middle East and Africa and the many tools the CIA uses to hack citizens and governments around the world.

There will no doubt be a lot of information that investigators will find over the next few days and weeks. There was a lot of speculation on what this release contains, including possible Weiner-Clinton files. It is unknown if there is any information that will pertain to pedogate or John Podesta, but if there is, we will find out soon enough.

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