#NotPizzagate but #stillfuckedup

In the midst of all the #pizzagate researching I find this. Already troubled by what I've seen lately, this small town article hits close to home because it is home.
I have no association with this case or parties involved, but this town paper is my town paper and this town is my town. It shows me that this guy who molested his daughter and made her brother watch, is no different from these disgusting power elites. Look at all the large scale pedophile rings that we know about through out history and the world. The Church, Hollywood, Penn State, Dennis Hastert, Sevile.
When i talk about pizzagate with my friends, colleagues and family, I'm left with the feeling that they think this is too outrageous, too crazy to be true. These are the same feelings i felt when talking about 9/11. I think most people know the official story is b.s. by now, right? The implications are distrubing and the allegations keep becoming more real by the day. What will be the outcome?
As the father of a little boy, the pain i feel when researching pizzagate and john podesta, along with countless other high level figures, is so deep that sometimes i dont think i even want to know anymore. But once you know and once you can truly believe, there is no going back to sleep. This "outrageous" situation isn't going away and has reached deep into the most powerful governments in the world, Including America.
I can't imagine, that after searching youtube for #pizzagate and assessing all that we know so far, that anyone would be able to ignore or deny there is something going on. The question remains... Will we stand for it?