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The Podesta Brothers, Clement Freud and Madeleine McCann

On October 13, 2013 The Guardian reported on the Madeleine McCann case and released the now infamous sketches of two suspects. The computer generated "efits" bare a striking resemblance to John and Tony Podesta. Since November 2016 online investigators have combed through all connections starting with the wikileaked emails and then down through the two Podesta brothers associations. On the subject of Madeleine McCann there is very little evidence outside of circumstantial and strange coincidences. However the number of coincidental things connected to the missing girl can begin to make someone want to dig deeper.

The claim has been made that the Podesta brothers may be closely associated with Clement Freud, the grandson of Sigmund Freud, and alleged serial pedophile. Fraud owned a very expensive holiday villa just 1/3 of a mile away from where the McCann girl disappeared . According to online investigator Victurus Libertas via his Article "Do John and Tony Podesta Have a Connection with Missing Child, Madeleine McCann?" "police in Suffolk have confirmed the now-known Pedophile, Clement Freud, was out of the country when Madeleine was abducted. However his home had been loaned to friends of his John and Tony Podesta."

If true the connection between the Podesta brothers and Clement Freud will be as truthful and documented as their connection with confirmed pedophile Dennis Hastert (see wiki leak references and pictures of Tony and "Deny" dating back to the 60's).

However, YouTube researcher MAXLIBERTY did a great bit of detective work himself and contacted the Suffolk Police via email asking for a statement confirming Podesta was in Portugal at the time of the abduction, and the police would NOT verify that statement. (click for Maxlibertys video)

Without confirmation of a Suffolk Police investigation into John Podesta being present at Clement Freuds villa at the time of the abduction of Madeleine there is no hard evidence linking him to this. Without documented evidence of a friendship between Podesta and Freud prior to this event again there is no hard evidence.

What there is though, is a clear connection to Clement Freud to this little girls disappearance, and an eerily similar artistic rendering of two suspects and two Podesta brothers. Perhaps with the tireless efforts of researchers online a stronger connection will be made, but the word of "insiders" supposedly from the FBI cannot be taken as evidence.

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