Mueller offers Tony Podesta immunity
Looks like Special Investigator Robert Mueller is offering Tony Podesta immunity in the Paul Manifort case. According to Tucker Carlson,...

The Podesta Brothers, Clement Freud and Madeleine McCann
On October 13, 2013 The Guardian reported on the Madeleine McCann case and released the now infamous sketches of two suspects. The...

Wikileaks: Vault 7 is today.
Wikileaks has been teasing those who have been paying attention for the past few weeks, with the release of information known as Vault 7....

#NotPizzagate but #stillfuckedup
In the midst of all the #pizzagate researching I find this. Â Already troubled by what I've seen lately, this small town article hits...

#ARRESTPODESTA is catching on!!
The whole idea behind #ArrestPodesta was to try and take the conversation out of the digital realm and onto the streets.

David Seaman sends word He is fine...
In a facebook group, #pizzagate exposed, these screenshots were left in a comment thread. They allegedly show a text from David Seaman...

David Seaman's YouTube Account has been wiped clean!!
it appears that David Seamen, a prominent #pizzagate investigator has either been removed or removed himself off of YouTube.